I like perfection.
Not as in, clean cut lines and spotless floors( okay, maybe I do) but I definitely love it when I am perfectly happy with life. When I see and feel that things are going the way they should be, I feel so joyful. And you know what puts a damper on these amazing moments and feelings in life?
Especially when I make them but other mistakes hurt too. Suddenly, everything appears unfair. Everyone's lives seem peachy except mine and it turns into a full- blown pity fest.
And I think and rethink that exact moment when everything turned bad and wonder and ponder and pick my brains out , thinking of how things would have been so different if I'd just known.
Time is a great healer. Not because you start to forget the so called loss but you start to think about the incident with a broader perspective because the brash emotional lash out that accompanied the memory soon wears out.
Taking a step back, I have seen ( every single time)...