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Showing posts from November, 2017

Help The Invisible Children.

Help The Invisible Children.
Donate to the fundraiser. Click above

Magically Transform Your Mistakes Into Blessings

I like perfection.    Not as in, clean cut lines and spotless floors( okay, maybe I do) but I definitely love it when I am perfectly happy with life. When I see and feel that things are going the way they should be, I feel so joyful. And you know what puts a damper on these amazing moments and feelings in life? Mistakes. Especially when I make them but other mistakes hurt too. Suddenly, everything appears unfair. Everyone's lives seem peachy except mine and it turns into a full- blown pity fest. And I think and rethink that exact moment when everything turned bad and wonder and ponder and pick my brains out , thinking of how things would have been so different if I'd just known. Time is a great healer. Not because you start to forget the so called loss but you start to think about the incident with a broader perspective because the brash emotional lash out that accompanied the memory soon wears out. Taking a step back, I have seen ( every single time)...

Cue The Magic!

One word. Wow. Until this point, gratitude seemed to be opening doors for me, breaking barriers for me, helping me glide through circumstances in the outside world.  This practice made me realize that there is no 'outside' world, myself and the Universe. There is One thing and that all these meaningless battles and plans and so-called victories and successes were a sham. The reality is Perfection. This is a thriving Universe with the centre of Power being Me and You. Everything is effortless, LOVE is THE FORCE behind it all and we get to decide everything. There was never a 'Me' against 'the world' and I had never gained a new ammunition in the name of gratitude to pave my way through life. It was a bloody illusion and it took this practice to show me that. How does it do that??? It instils a new belief. That is all it does. A belief that the Universe is always trying to communicate with me and trying to show me all the things there are to ...

The Magic Wand

People who wait for a magic wand fail to see that they are the magic wand. -Thomas Leonard   This quote, featured in the Magic book has got to be one of my favorites! It is the perfect quote for anyone, no matter what their beliefs or how open minded they are. The perfect blend of realism and idealism, this quote perfectly brings out the idea of today's practice! This practice actually gives you the power to bring abundance, health, harmony, anything you might wish for, in your loved ones' lives! Gratitude is something of an epitome for "Can this GET any better?" And then BOOM! It DOES get better. It gives us the power to change our lives, beyond recognition, surpassing our wildest dreams. And with this wealth of glory pouring down upon oneself, it is quite easy for our stream of thoughts to take us to "Desire To See Our Loved Ones Basking In the Same Glory" Land. And guess what? We can! We can own this , so effortlessly! We can be heal...