GRATITUDE IS RICHES. COMPLAINT IS POVERTY. And that , seems to be the only difference between the rich and the poor. Not just 'money' rich but any kind of rich, be it contentment , passion, joy, confidence.... Gratitude is the only way to have more, says Rhonda Byrne. Maybe, through the law of attraction, gratitude for money attracts more abundant money situations. But it seems to me that just that feeling -of realising and feeling abundance, feeling that what we have is truly great - is all that we actually want. The actual'money', that teensy weensy detail which we depend on, which brings that divide between the rich and the poor doesn't actually have any power at all, nothing it can be or do can get us to that ultimate feeling of abundance. It is a detail, is all that it is. That feeling is what we are truly after. And that feeling does not need money. How cool is that? We are already everything we want to be because we can already feel all that we...